EXPLOORE Travel Exploration App
5.0 out of 5

Fusce fermentum odio nec arcu. Praesent blandit laoreet nibh. Praesent venenatis metus at tortor pulvinar varius. Fusce egestas elit eget lorem. Nam commodo suscipit quam. Curabitur turpis. Nam commodo suscipit quam.

Quisque id odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac placerat dolor lectus quis orci. In auctor lobortis lacus.

3 Reviews

  1. Man’s technological ascent began in earnest in what is known as the Neolithic period (“New stone age”). The invention of polished stone axes was a major advance that allowed forest clearance on a large scale to create farms. Agriculture fed larger populations, and the transition to sedentism allowed simultaneously raising more children, as infants no longer needed to be carried, as nomadic ones must. Additionally, children could contribute labor to the raising of crops more readily than they could to the hunter-gatherer economy.


    1. Infants no longer needed to be carried, as nomadic ones must. Additionally, children could contribute labor to the raising of crops more readily than they could to the hunter-gatherer economy. The invention of polished stone axes was a major advance that allowed forest clearance on a large scale to create farms.


  2. Optimistic assumptions are made by proponents of ideologies such as transhumanism and singularitarianism, which view technological development as generally having beneficial effects for the society and the human condition. In these ideologies, technological development is morally good. Some critics see these ideologies as examples of scientism and techno-utopianism and fear the notion of human enhancement and technological singularity which they support. Some have described Karl Marx as a techno-optimist.


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